Since I work on so many projects (here are some free download examples) with Audacity and need macros, I made a list of the commands. This macro list also contains parameters and details about the macro command. So anyone can use CTRL + F to search for their command from the list and apply it. If I do something, it’s for everyone!
I’ve now created everything in English because that’s probably what most people need. But there are also German words because some plugins are also in German. Btw: There are a few plugins installed at the moment, I don’t know if there are all of them. There will definitely be some added and the list may not be complete. This list was created on February 26, 2024.

Important: Some commands need a colon at the end. E.g., if the track panorama should come to the left: „TrackPanLeft:“. This command makes the panorama 10% to the left. To get 100% you just need 10 of these commands among each other.

Some commands need parameters, some don’t (line empty). If you speak another language and can’t find the command, try English or German.


At the same time I ask for a donation 😉

But now to the list:

Macro command Parameters Details
4 x 4 pole allpass Feedback_1=“0″ Feedback_2=“0″ Feedback_3=“0″ Feedback_4=“0″ Frequency_1=“5000.75″ Frequency_2=“10000.5″ Frequency_3=“15000.25″ Frequency_4=“20000″ 4X4PoleAllpass
6 Monospuren einfügen 6 Monospuren einfügen Macro_6Monospureneinfügen
Menu Command (No Parameters)
AM pitchshifter Buffer_size=“4″ Pitch_shift=“1″ AmPitchshifter
Add Label at Playback Position Add Label at Playback Position AddLabelPlaying
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Add Label at Selection Add Label at Selection AddLabel
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Advanced Vertical Zooming Advanced Vertical Zooming AdvancedVZoom
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Aliasing Aliasing_level=“0″8498 Aliasing
Align End to End (Align_EndToEnd) Align End to End (Align_EndToEnd) Align_EndToEnd
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Align Together (Align_Together) Align Together (Align_Together) Align_Together
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Allpass delay line, cubic spline interpolation Decay_Time_(s)=“1″ Delay_Time_(s)=“1″ Max_Delay_(s)=“1″ AllpassDelayLine,CubicSplineInterpolation
Allpass delay line, linear interpolation Decay_Time_(s)=“1″ Delay_Time_(s)=“1″ Max_Delay_(s)=“1″ AllpassDelayLine,LinearInterpolation
Allpass delay line, noninterpolating Decay_Time_(s)=“1″ Delay_Time_(s)=“1″ Max_Delay_(s)=“1″ AllpassDelayLine,Noninterpolating
Amplify AllowClipping=“0″ Ratio=“1.6666666″ Amplify
Analogue Oscillator Frequency_(Hz)=“60″ Instability=“0″ Warmth=“0″ Waveform_(1_sin,_2_tri,_3_squ,_4_saw)=“4″ AnalogueOscillator
Anpassbare Blende curve=“0″ gain0=“0″ gain1=“100″ preset=“Aus“ type=“Hoch“ units=“Percent“ AnpassbareBlende
Artificial latency Delay_(ms)=“2500″ ArtificialLatency
Audio Divider (Suboctave Generator) Denominator=“1″ AudioDivider(suboctaveGenerator)
Auto Duck DuckAmountDb=“-12″ InnerFadeDownLen=“0″ InnerFadeUpLen=“0″ MaximumPause=“1″ OuterFadeDownLen=“0.5″ OuterFadeUpLen=“0.5″ ThresholdDb=“-30″ AutoDuck
Auto phaser Attack_time_(s)=“0.25″ Decay_time_(s)=“0.25″ Feedback=“0″ Modulation_depth=“0.25″ Spread_(octaves)=“1″ AutoPhaser
Barry’s Satan Maximiser Decay_time_(samples)=“30″ Knee_point_(dB)=“0″ Barry’sSatanMaximiser
Bass and Treble Bass=“8″ Gain=“0″ Link_Sliders=“0″ Treble=“-2″ BassAndTreble
Beat-Finder thresval=“65″ Beat-finder
Begrenzer gain-L=“0″ gain-R=“0″ hold=“10″ makeup=“Nein“ thresh=“-3″ type=“SoftLimit“ Begrenzer
Binaural Tones with surf 2 adjust-time=“5″ f=“58″ fade=“18″ ratio=“44″ spread=“80″ string1=“17.5 0.25 0.25″ string2=“10.5 0.25 0.25″ string3=“5.5 0.25 0.25″ string4=“2 0.25″ string5=““ string6=““ surf-f=“0″ BinauralTonesWithSurf2
Bode frequency shifter Frequency_shift=“0″ BodeFrequencyShifter
Bode frequency shifter (CV) Base_shift=“0″ CV_Attenuation=“1″ Mix_(-1_down,_+1_up)=“0″ BodeFrequencyShifter(cv)
Change Pitch Percentage=“-1.966″ SBSMS=“1″ ChangePitch
Change Speed Percentage=“200″ ChangeSpeed
Change Tempo Percentage=“200″ SBSMS=“0″ ChangeTempo
Chebyshev distortion Distortion=“0″ ChebyshevDistortion
Chirp EndAmp=“0.1″ EndFreq=“1320″ Interpolation=“Linear“ StartAmp=“0.8″ StartFreq=“440″ Waveform=“Sine“ Chirp
Classic Filters Cutoff=“1000″ FilterSubtype=“Lowpass“ FilterType=“Butterworth“ Order=“1″ PassbandRipple=“1″ StopbandRipple=“30″ ClassicFilters
Click Removal Threshold=“200″ Width=“20″ ClickRemoval
Clip Left Clip Left ClipLeft
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Clip Right Clip Right ClipRight
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Clips überblenden Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ ClipsÜberblenden
Close Close Close
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Close Focused Track Close Focused Track TrackClose
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Collapse All Tracks Collapse All Tracks CollapseAllTracks
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Comb Filter Band_separation_(Hz)=“172″ Feedback=“0″ CombFilter
Comb Splitter Band_separation_(Hz)=“172″ CombSplitter
Comb delay line, cubic spline interpolation Decay_Time_(s)=“1″ Delay_Time_(s)=“1″ Max_Delay_(s)=“1″ CombDelayLine,CubicSplineInterpolation
Comb delay line, linear interpolation Decay_Time_(s)=“1″ Delay_Time_(s)=“1″ Max_Delay_(s)=“1″ CombDelayLine,LinearInterpolation
Comb delay line, noninterpolating Decay_Time_(s)=“1″ Delay_Time_(s)=“1″ Max_Delay_(s)=“1″ CombDelayLine,Noninterpolating
Compare Audio Threshold=“0″ CompareAudio
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Compressor AttackTime=“0.27″ NoiseFloor=“-70″ Normalize=“1″ Ratio=“7.1″ ReleaseTime=“1.2″ Threshold=“-15″ UsePeak=“1″ Compressor
Constant Signal Generator Signal_amplitude=“0″ ConstantSignalGenerator
Copy Copy Copy
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Crossfade Crossfade=“0″ Crossfade
Crossfade (4 outs) Crossfade=“0″ Crossfade(4Outs)
Crossover distortion Crossover_amplitude=“0″ Smoothing=“1″ CrossoverDistortion
Cursor Left Cursor Left CursorLeft
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cursor Long Jump Left Cursor Long Jump Left CursorLongJumpLeft
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cursor Long Jump Right Cursor Long Jump Right CursorLongJumpRight
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cursor Right Cursor Right CursorRight
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cursor Short Jump Left Cursor Short Jump Left CursorShortJumpLeft
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cursor Short Jump Right Cursor Short Jump Right CursorShortJumpRight
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cursor to Next Clip Boundary Cursor to Next Clip Boundary SelCursorToNextClipBoundary
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cursor to Prev Clip Boundary Cursor to Prev Clip Boundary CursPrevClipBoundary
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cursor to Project End Cursor to Project End CursProjectEnd
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cursor to Project Start Cursor to Project Start CursProjectStart
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cursor to Selection End Cursor to Selection End CursSelEnd
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cursor to Selection Start Cursor to Selection Start CursSelStart
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cursor to Track End Cursor to Track End CursTrackEnd
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cursor to Track Start Cursor to Track Start CursTrackStart
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Cut Cut Cut
Menu Command (No Parameters)
DC Offset Remover Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ DcOffsetRemover
DJ EQ Hi_gain_(dB)=“0″ Lo_gain_(dB)=“0″ Mid_gain_(dB)=“0″ DjEq
DJ EQ (mono) Hi_gain_(dB)=“0″ Lo_gain_(dB)=“0″ Mid_gain_(dB)=“0″ DjEq(mono)
DJ flanger Feedback_(%)=“0″ LFO_depth_(ms)=“4″ LFO_period_(s)=“1″ LFO_sync=“1″ DjFlanger
DTMF Tones Amplitude=“0.8″ Duty_Cycle=“55″ Sequence=“audacity“ DtmfTones
Decimator Bit_depth=“24″ Sample_rate_(Hz)=“44100″ Decimator
Declipper Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ Declipper
Decrease Gain on Focused Track Decrease Gain on Focused Track TrackGainDec
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Decrease Playback Speed Decrease Playback Speed PlaySpeedDec
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Decrease Playback Volume Decrease Playback Volume OutputGainDec
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Decrease Recording Volume Decrease Recording Volume InputGainDec
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Delayorama Amplitude_change=“1″ Amplitude_random_(%)=“0″ Delay_change=“1″ Delay_random_(%)=“0″ Delay_range_(s)=“6″ Dry_wet_mix=“1″ Feedback_(%)=“0″ First_delay_(s)=“0″ Input_gain_(dB)=“0″ Number_of_taps=“2″ Random_seed=“0″ Delayorama
Delete Delete Delete
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Delete Key Delete Key DeleteKey
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Delete Key2 Delete Key2 DeleteKey2
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Demo Decay=“0.5″ Delay=“1″ Demo
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Detach at Silences Detach at Silences Disjoin
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Device Toolbar Device Toolbar ShowDeviceTB
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Diode Processor Mode_(0_for_none,_1_for_half_wave,_2_for_full_wave)=“0″ DiodeProcessor
Distortion DC_Block=“1″ Noise_Floor=“-70″ Parameter_1=“13″ Parameter_2=“77″ Repeats=“3″ Threshold_dB=“-5.7638554″ Type=“Even Harmonics“ Distortion
Drag FromX=“200″ FromY=“10″ Window=“Timeline“ Drag
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Draw Tool Draw Tool DrawTool
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Dyson compressor Compression_ratio=“0.5″ Fast_compression_ratio=“0.5″ Peak_limit_(dB)=“0″ Release_time_(s)=“0.25″ DysonCompressor
Echo Decay=“0.60000002″ Delay=“0.1″ Echo
Edit Toolbar Edit Toolbar ShowEditTB
Menu Command (No Parameters)
End to Cursor/Selection Start End to Cursor/Selection Start Align_EndToSelStart
Menu Command (No Parameters)
End to Selection End End to Selection End Align_EndToSelEnd
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Enden ausblenden (Macro_Endenausblenden) Enden ausblenden (Macro_Endenausblenden) Macro_Endenausblenden
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Envelope Tool Envelope Tool EnvelopeTool
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Exit Exit Exit
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Expand Collapsed Tracks Expand Collapsed Tracks ExpandAllTracks
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Exponential signal decay Decay_Time_(s)=“1″ ExponentialSignalDecay
Export as FLAC Export as FLAC ExportFLAC
Special Command
Export as MP3 Export as MP3 ExportMp3
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Export as MP3 56k after Export as MP3 56k after ExportMP3_56k_after
Special Command
Export as MP3 56k before Export as MP3 56k before ExportMP3_56k_before
Special Command
Export as OGG Export as OGG ExportOgg
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Export as WAV Export as WAV ExportWav
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Export2 Filename=“exported.wav“ NumChannels=“1″ Export2
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Extra Menus (on/off) Extra Menus (on/off) ShowExtraMenus
Menu Command (No Parameters)
FM Oscillator Waveform_(1_sin,_2_tri,_3_squ,_4_saw)=“1″ FmOscillator
Fade In Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ FadeIn
Fade Out Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ FadeOut
Fast Lookahead limiter Input_gain_(dB)=“0″ Limit_(dB)=“0″ Release_time_(s)=“0.50749999″ FastLookaheadLimiter
Fast overdrive Drive_level=“1″ FastOverdrive
Filter Curve FilterLength=“8191″ InterpolateLin=“0″ InterpolationMethod=“B-spline“ FilterCurve
Find Clipping Duty_Cycle_End=“3″ Duty_Cycle_Start=“3″ FindClipping
Fit to Height Fit to Height FitV
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Fit to Width (FitInWindow) Fit to Width (FitInWindow) FitInWindow
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Flanger Delay_base_(ms)=“6.3249998″ Feedback=“0″ LFO_frequency_(Hz)=“0.33437014″ Max_slowdown_(ms)=“2.5″ Flanger
Foldover distortion Drive=“0″ Skew=“0″ FoldoverDistortion
Fractionally Addressed Delay Line Delay_(seconds)=“1″ Feedback_(dB)=“0″ FractionallyAddressedDelayLine
Frequency tracker Tracking_speed=“0.5″ FrequencyTracker
Full Screen (on/off) Full Screen (on/off) FullScreenOnOff
Menu Command (No Parameters)
GLAME Butterworth Highpass Cutoff_Frequency_(Hz)=“36.119495″ Resonance=“0.755″ GlameButterworthHighpass
GLAME Butterworth Lowpass Cutoff_Frequency_(Hz)=“36.119495″ Resonance=“0.755″ GlameButterworthLowpass
GSM simulator Dry_wet_mix=“1″ Error_rate_(bits_block)=“0″ Number_of_passes=“1″ GsmSimulator
GVerb Damping=“0.5″ Dry_signal_level_(dB)=“-70″ Early_reflection_level_(dB)=“0″ Input_bandwidth=“0.75″ Reverb_time_(s)=“7.5749998″ Roomsize_(m)=“75.75″ Tail_level_(dB)=“-17.5″ Gverb
Gate Attack_(ms)=“250.00751″ Decay_(ms)=“2001″ HF_key_filter_(Hz)=“21609″ Hold_(ms)=“1500.5″ LF_key_filter_(Hz)=“30.869999″ Output_select_(-1___key_listen,_0___gate,_1___bypass)=“0″ Range_(dB)=“-90″ Threshold_(dB)=“-70″ Gate
Geräusch-Finder finallabel=“0″ labelafterdur=“0.1″ labelbeforedur=“0.1″ sil-dur=“1″ sil-lev=“26″ Geräusch-finder
Gesang-Reduzierung und Isolation action=“RemoveToMono“ high-transition=“9000″ low-transition=“120″ strength=“1″ Gesang-reduzierungUndIsolation
Get Info Format=“JSON“ Type=“Commands“ GetInfo
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Get Preference Name=““ GetPreference
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Giant flange Delay_1_range_(s)=“2.625″ Delay_2_range_(s)=“0″ Double_delay=“1″ Dry_Wet_level=“0″ Feedback=“0″ LFO_frequency_1_(Hz)=“1″ LFO_frequency_2_(Hz)=“1″ GiantFlange
Glame Bandpass Analog Filter Bandwidth_(Hz)=“295.8317″ Center_Frequency_(Hz)=“36.119495″ GlameBandpassAnalogFilter
Glame Bandpass Filter Bandwidth_(Hz)=“295.8317″ Center_Frequency_(Hz)=“295.8317″ Stages(2_poles_per_stage)=“1″ GlameBandpassFilter
Glame Butterworth X-over Filter Cutoff_Frequency_(Hz)=“36.119495″ Resonance=“0.755″ GlameButterworthX-overFilter
Glame Highpass Filter Cutoff_Frequency=“36.119495″ Stages(2_poles_per_stage)=“1″ GlameHighpassFilter
Glame Lowpass Filter Cutoff_Frequency=“2422.9702″ Stages(2_poles_per_stage)=“1″ GlameLowpassFilter
Gong beater Impulse_gain_(dB)=“-70″ Strike_duration_(s)=“0.1005″ Strike_gain_(dB)=“0″ GongBeater
Gong model Inner_damping=“0.5″ Inner_size_1=“0.5″ Inner_size_2=“0.5″ Inner_size_3=“0.5″ Inner_size_4=“0.5″ Inner_stiffness_1_+=“0.5″ Inner_stiffness_1_-=“0.5″ Inner_stiffness_2_+=“0.5″ Inner_stiffness_2_-=“0.5″ Inner_stiffness_3_+=“0.5″ Inner_stiffness_3_-=“0.5″ Inner_stiffness_4_+=“0.5″ Inner_stiffness_4_-=“0.5″ Mic_position=“0.25″ Outer_damping=“0.5″ Outer_size_1=“0.5″ Outer_size_2=“0.5″ Outer_size_3=“0.5″ Outer_size_4=“0.5″ Outer_stiffness_1_+=“0.5″ Outer_stiffness_1_-=“0.5″ Outer_stiffness_2_+=“0.5″ Outer_stiffness_2_-=“0.5″ Outer_stiffness_3_+=“0.5″ Outer_stiffness_3_-=“0.5″ Outer_stiffness_4_+=“0.5″ Outer_stiffness_4_-=“0.5″ GongModel
Graphic EQ f0=“20″ f1=“20.808086″ f10=“29.72017″ f100=“1050.1298″ f101=“1092.5595″ f102=“1136.7036″ f103=“1182.6313″ f104=“1230.4147″ f105=“1280.1287″ f106=“1331.8514″ f107=“1385.6639″ f108=“1441.6506″ f109=“1499.8995″ f11=“30.920992″ f110=“1560.5018″ f111=“1623.5528″ f112=“1689.1513″ f113=“1757.4002″ f114=“1828.4067″ f115=“1902.2821″ f116=“1979.1425″ f117=“2059.1083″ f118=“2142.3051″ f119=“2228.8634″ f12=“32.170333″ f120=“2318.919″ f121=“2412.6133″ f122=“2510.0932″ f123=“2611.5117″ f124=“2717.0279″ f125=“2826.8075″ f126=“2941.0226″ f127=“3059.8525″ f128=“3183.4836″ f129=“3312.11″ f13=“33.470152″ f130=“3445.9334″ f131=“3585.1638″ f132=“3730.0198″ f133=“3880.7286″ f134=“4037.5266″ f135=“4200.66″ f136=“4370.3846″ f137=“4546.9668″ f138=“4730.6838″ f139=“4921.8236″ f14=“34.822489″ f140=“5120.6864″ f141=“5327.584″ f142=“5542.8412″ f143=“5766.7957″ f144=“5999.7989″ f145=“6242.2165″ f146=“6494.4287″ f147=“6756.8315″ f148=“7029.8364″ f149=“7313.8718″ f15=“36.229467″ f150=“7609.3836″ f151=“7916.8352″ f152=“8236.7092″ f153=“8569.5075″ f154=“8915.7523″ f155=“9275.9869″ f156=“9650.7764″ f157=“10040.709″ f158=“10446.397″ f159=“10868.476″ f16=“37.693292″ f160=“11307.609″ f161=“11764.485″ f162=“12239.82″ f163=“12734.361″ f164=“13248.884″ f165=“13784.195″ f166=“14341.136″ f167=“14920.579″ f168=“15523.434″ f169=“16150.648″ f17=“39.216263″ f170=“16803.203″ f171=“17482.124″ f172=“18188.477″ f173=“18923.369″ f174=“19687.954″ f175=“20483.432″ f176=“21311.05″ f177=“22172.108″ f178=“23067.956″ f179=“24000″ f18=“40.800768″ f19=“42.449293″ f2=“21.648821″ f20=“44.164426″ f21=“45.948858″ f22=“47.805389″ f23=“49.736931″ f24=“51.746516″ f25=“53.837296″ f26=“56.012554″ f27=“58.2757″ f28=“60.630288″ f29=“63.080011″ f3=“22.523526″ f30=“65.628714″ f31=“68.280394″ f32=“71.039215″ f33=“73.909503″ f34=“76.895763″ f35=“80.002681″ f36=“83.235132″ f37=“86.598187″ f38=“90.097125″ f39=“93.737434″ f4=“23.433573″ f40=“97.524827″ f41=“101.46525″ f42=“105.56488″ f43=“109.83015″ f44=“114.26776″ f45=“118.88467″ f46=“123.68811″ f47=“128.68564″ f48=“133.88509″ f49=“139.29463″ f5=“24.38039″ f50=“144.92272″ f51=“150.77822″ f52=“156.87031″ f53=“163.20854″ f54=“169.80286″ f55=“176.66363″ f56=“183.80159″ f57=“191.22796″ f58=“198.95439″ f59=“206.993″ f6=“25.365462″ f60=“215.3564″ f61=“224.05772″ f62=“233.11061″ f63=“242.52928″ f64=“252.3285″ f65=“262.52365″ f66=“273.13073″ f67=“284.16638″ f68=“295.64792″ f69=“307.59336″ f7=“26.390335″ f70=“320.02145″ f71=“332.95168″ f72=“346.40436″ f73=“360.40058″ f74=“374.9623″ f75=“390.11238″ f76=“405.87459″ f77=“422.27366″ f78=“439.33533″ f79=“457.08635″ f8=“27.456618″ f80=“475.5546″ f81=“494.76904″ f82=“514.75983″ f83=“535.55832″ f84=“557.19717″ f85=“579.71032″ f86=“603.1331″ f87=“627.50226″ f88=“652.85604″ f89=“679.23421″ f9=“28.565982″ f90=“706.67818″ f91=“735.23101″ f92=“764.93748″ f93=“795.84423″ f94=“827.99975″ f95=“861.45448″ f96=“896.26093″ f97=“932.4737″ f98=“970.14963″ f99=“1009.3478″ FilterLength=“8191″ InterpolateLin=“0″ InterpolationMethod=“B-spline“ v0=“0″ v1=“0″ v10=“0″ v100=“0″ v101=“0″ v102=“0″ v103=“0″ v104=“0″ v105=“0″ v106=“0″ v107=“0″ v108=“0″ v109=“0″ v11=“0″ v110=“0″ v111=“0″ v112=“0″ v113=“0″ v114=“0″ v115=“0″ v116=“0″ v117=“0″ v118=“0″ v119=“0″ v12=“0″ v120=“0″ v121=“0″ v122=“0″ v123=“0″ v124=“0″ v125=“0.00049904028″ v126=“0.020600166″ v127=“0.070074533″ v128=“0.14811008″ v129=“0.25209662″ v13=“0″ v130=“0.38357433″ v131=“0.54514836″ v132=“0.7935747″ v133=“1.1519657″ v134=“1.6290438″ v135=“2.2542918″ v136=“3.0055737″ v137=“3.8580033″ v138=“4.6007613″ v139=“5.185977″ v14=“0″ v140=“5.6063731″ v141=“5.8729708″ v142=“5.9927024″ v143=“5.9931135″ v144=“5.9583134″ v145=“5.89414″ v146=“5.8032891″ v147=“5.6855453″ v148=“5.5403104″ v149=“5.3986582″ v15=“0″ v150=“5.3360916″ v151=“5.3559984″ v152=“5.4659517″ v153=“5.6715546″ v154=“5.9716828″ v155=“6.2997557″ v156=“6.5653238″ v157=“6.7678749″ v158=“6.9074092″ v159=“6.9839265″ v16=“0″ v160=“7.0064326″ v161=“7.1302238″ v162=“7.4115573″ v163=“7.8272707″ v164=“8.3531325″ v165=“9.0077196″ v166=“9.78142″ v167=“10.561729″ v168=“11.316292″ v169=“12.063106″ v17=“0″ v170=“12.838675″ v171=“13.582736″ v172=“14.242538″ v173=“14.372937″ v174=“13.873167″ v175=“12.743228″ v176=“10.98312″ v177=“8.5928428″ v178=“5.9229485″ v179=“3.7312619″ v18=“0″ v19=“0″ v2=“0″ v20=“0″ v21=“0″ v22=“0″ v23=“0″ v24=“0″ v25=“0″ v26=“0″ v27=“0″ v28=“0″ v29=“0″ v3=“0″ v30=“0″ v31=“0″ v32=“0″ v33=“0″ v34=“0″ v35=“0″ v36=“0″ v37=“0″ v38=“0″ v39=“0″ v4=“0″ v40=“0″ v41=“0″ v42=“0″ v43=“0″ v44=“0″ v45=“0″ v46=“0″ v47=“0″ v48=“0″ v49=“0″ v5=“0″ v50=“0″ v51=“0″ v52=“0″ v53=“0″ v54=“0″ v55=“0″ v56=“0″ v57=“0″ v58=“0″ v59=“0″ v6=“0″ v60=“0″ v61=“0″ v62=“0″ v63=“0″ v64=“0″ v65=“0″ v66=“0″ v67=“0″ v68=“0″ v69=“0″ v7=“0″ v70=“0″ v71=“0″ v72=“0″ v73=“0″ v74=“0″ v75=“0″ v76=“0″ v77=“0″ v78=“0″ v79=“0″ v8=“0″ v80=“0″ v81=“0″ v82=“0″ v83=“0″ v84=“0″ v85=“0″ v86=“0″ v87=“0″ v88=“0″ v89=“0″ v9=“0″ v90=“0″ v91=“0″ v92=“0″ v93=“0″ v94=“0″ v95=“0″ v96=“0″ v97=“0″ v98=“0″ v99=“0″ GraphicEq
Hard Limiter dB_limit=“0″ Residue_level=“0″ Wet_level=“1″ HardLimiter
Harmonic generator 10th_harmonic_magnitude=“0″ 2nd_harmonic_magnitude=“0″ 3rd_harmonic_magnitude=“0″ 4th_harmonic_magnitude=“0″ 5th_harmonic_magnitude=“0″ 6th_harmonic_magnitude=“0″ 7th_harmonic_magnitude=“0″ 8th_harmonic_magnitude=“0″ 9th_harmonic_magnitude=“0″ Fundamental_magnitude=“1″ HarmonicGenerator
Help Command=“Help“ Help
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Hermes Filter Band_1_gain_(dB)=“0″ Band_2_gain_(dB)=“0″ Band_3_gain_(dB)=“0″ Delay1_feedback=“0″ Delay1_length_(s)=“0″ Delay1_wetness=“0″ Delay2_feedback=“0″ Delay2_length_(s)=“0″ Delay2_wetness=“0″ Delay3_feedback=“0″ Delay3_length_(s)=“0″ Delay3_wetness=“0″ Dist1_drive=“0″ Dist2_drive=“0″ Dist3_drive=“0″ Filt1_freq=“440″ Filt1_LFO1_level=“0″ Filt1_LFO2_level=“0″ Filt1_q=“0″ Filt1_resonance=“0″ Filt1_type_(0_none,_1_LP,_2_HP,_3_BP,_4_BR,_5_AP)=“0″ Filt2_freq=“440″ Filt2_LFO1_level=“0″ Filt2_LFO2_level=“0″ Filt2_q=“0″ Filt2_resonance=“0″ Filt2_type_(0_none,_1_LP,_2_HP,_3_BP,_4_BR,_5_AP)=“0″ Filt3_freq=“440″ Filt3_LFO1_level=“0″ Filt3_LFO2_level=“0″ Filt3_q=“0″ Filt3_resonance=“0″ Filt3_type_(0_none,_1_LP,_2_HP,_3_BP,_4_BR,_5_AP)=“0″ Input_gain_(dB)=“0″ LFO1_freq_(Hz)=“250″ LFO1_wave_(0___sin,_1___tri,_2___saw,_3___squ,_4___s&h)=“0″ LFO2_freq_(Hz)=“250″ LFO2_wave_(0___sin,_1___tri,_2___saw,_3___squ,_4___s&h)=“0″ Osc1_freq_(Hz)=“440″ Osc1_gain_(dB)=“-70″ Osc1_wave_(0___sin,_1___tri,_2___saw,_3___squ,_4___noise)=“0″ Osc2_freq_(Hz)=“440″ Osc2_gain_(dB)=“-70″ Osc2_wave_(0___sin,_1___tri,_2___saw,_3___squ,_4___noise)=“0″ Ringmod_1_depth_(0_none,_1_AM,_2_RM)=“0″ Ringmod_2_depth_(0_none,_1_AM,_2_RM)=“0″ Ringmod_3_depth_(0_none,_1_AM,_2_RM)=“0″ RM1_gain_(dB)=“-70″ RM2_gain_(dB)=“-70″ RM3_gain_(dB)=“-70″ Xover_lower_freq=“1537.5″ Xover_upper_freq=“7750″ HermesFilter
Higher Quality Pitch Scaler Pitch_co-efficient=“1″ HigherQualityPitchScaler
Hilbert transformer Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ HilbertTransformer
Hochpassfilter frequency=“1000″ rolloff=“dB6″ Hochpassfilter
Import2 Filename=“/home/oem/Desktop/Unfertige Geistplan Projekte/Goldener Schnitt Klang/WAV/288Hz.wav“ Import2
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Impulse convolver Gain_(dB)=“0″ High_latency_mode=“0″ Impulse_ID=“1″ ImpulseConvolver
In All Tracks (SelAllTracks) In All Tracks (SelAllTracks) SelAllTracks
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Increase Gain on Focused Track Increase Gain on Focused Track TrackGainInc
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Increase Playback Speed Increase Playback Speed PlaySpeedInc
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Increase Playback Volume Increase Playback Volume OutputGainInc
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Increase Recording Volume Increase Recording Volume InputGainInc
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Invert Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ Invert
Inverter Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ Inverter
Join Join Join
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Karaoke Vocal_volume_(dB)=“0″ Karaoke
Kerbfilter frequency=“60″ q=“1″ Kerbfilter
Klang einfügen (Macro_Klangeinfügen) Klang einfügen (Macro_Klangeinfügen) Macro_Klangeinfügen
Menu Command (No Parameters)
L/C/R Delay C_delay_(ms)=“675″ C_level=“25″ Dry_Wet_level=“0″ Feedback=“0″ High_damp_(%)=“50″ L_delay_(ms)=“675″ L_level=“25″ Low_damp_(%)=“50″ R_delay_(ms)=“675″ R_level=“25″ Spread=“25″ L/c/rDelay
LFO Phaser Feedback=“0″ LFO_depth=“0.25″ LFO_rate_(Hz)=“25″ Spread_(octaves)=“1″ LfoPhaser
LS Filter Cutoff_frequency_(Hz)=“1394.5643″ Filter_type_(0_LP,_1_BP,_2_HP)=“0″ Resonance=“0″ LsFilter
Label Copy (CopyLabels) Label Copy (CopyLabels) CopyLabels
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Label Cut (CutLabels) Label Cut (CutLabels) CutLabels
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Label Delete (DeleteLabels) Label Delete (DeleteLabels) DeleteLabels
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Label Join (JoinLabels) Label Join (JoinLabels) JoinLabels
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Label Silence (SilenceLabels) Label Silence (SilenceLabels) SilenceLabels
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Label Split (SplitLabels) Label Split (SplitLabels) SplitLabels
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Label Split Cut (SplitCutLabels) Label Split Cut (SplitCutLabels) SplitCutLabels
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Label Split Delete (SplitDeleteLabels) Label Split Delete (SplitDeleteLabels) SplitDeleteLabels
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Label Track (NewLabelTrack) Label Track (NewLabelTrack) NewLabelTrack
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Lock (LockPlayRegion) Lock (LockPlayRegion) LockPlayRegion
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Long Seek Left During Playback Long Seek Left During Playback SeekLeftLong
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Long Seek Right During Playback Long Seek Right During Playback SeekRightLong
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Loop Play (PlayLooped) Loop Play (PlayLooped) PlayLooped
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Loop Play-at-Speed Loop Play-at-Speed PlayAtSpeedLooped
Menu Command (No Parameters)
MP3-Umwandlung (Macro_MP3-Umwandlung) MP3-Umwandlung (Macro_MP3-Umwandlung) Macro_MP3-Umwandlung
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Mag’s Notch Filter Bandwidth_(Hz)=“295.8317″ Center_Frequency_(Hz)=“295.8317″ Stages(2_poles_per_stage)=“1″ Mag’sNotchFilter
Matrix Spatialiser Width=“0″ MatrixSpatialiser
Matrix: MS to Stereo Width=“1″ Matrix:MsToStereo
Matrix: Stereo to MS Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ Matrix:StereoToMs
Measure RMS Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ MeasureRms
Message Text=“Some message“ Message
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Mix Stereo Down to Mono Mix Stereo Down to Mono Stereo to Mono
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Mix and Render Mix and Render MixAndRender
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Mix and Render to New Track Mix and Render to New Track MixAndRenderToNewTrack
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Mixer Toolbar Mixer Toolbar ShowMixerTB
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Modulatable delay Base_delay_(s)=“1″ ModulatableDelay
Mono Track (NewMonoTrack) Mono Track (NewMonoTrack) NewMonoTrack
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Mono to Stereo splitter Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ MonoToStereoSplitter
Move Backward Through Active Windows Move Backward Through Active Windows PrevWindow
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Backward from Toolbars to Tracks Move Backward from Toolbars to Tracks PrevFrame
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Focus to First Track Move Focus to First Track FirstTrack
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Focus to Last Track Move Focus to Last Track LastTrack
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Focus to Next Track Move Focus to Next Track NextTrack
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Focus to Next and Select Move Focus to Next and Select ShiftDown
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Focus to Previous Track Move Focus to Previous Track PrevTrack
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Focus to Previous and Select Move Focus to Previous and Select ShiftUp
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Focused Track Down Move Focused Track Down TrackMoveDown
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Focused Track Up Move Focused Track Up TrackMoveUp
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Focused Track to Bottom Move Focused Track to Bottom TrackMoveBottom
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Focused Track to Top Move Focused Track to Top TrackMoveTop
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Forward Through Active Windows Move Forward Through Active Windows NextWindow
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Forward from Toolbars to Tracks Move Forward from Toolbars to Tracks NextFrame
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move Selection with Tracks (on/off) Move Selection with Tracks (on/off) MoveSelectionWithTracks
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move to Next Label Move to Next Label MoveToNextLabel
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Move to Previous Label Move to Previous Label MoveToPrevLabel
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Multi Tool Multi Tool MultiTool
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Multiband EQ 10000Hz_gain=“0″ 100Hz_gain=“0″ 1250Hz_gain=“0″ 156Hz_gain=“0″ 1750Hz_gain=“0″ 20000Hz_gain=“0″ 220Hz_gain=“0″ 2500Hz_gain=“0″ 311Hz_gain=“0″ 3500Hz_gain=“0″ 440Hz_gain=“0″ 5000Hz_gain=“0″ 50Hz_gain_(low_shelving)=“0″ 622Hz_gain=“0″ 880Hz_gain=“0″ MultibandEq
Multivoice Chorus Delay_base_(ms)=“10″ Detune_(%)=“1″ LFO_frequency_(Hz)=“9″ Number_of_voices=“1″ Output_attenuation_(dB)=“0″ Voice_separation_(ms)=“0.5″ MultivoiceChorus
Mute All Tracks Mute All Tracks MuteAllTracks
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Mute/Unmute Focused Track Mute/Unmute Focused Track TrackMute
Menu Command (No Parameters)
New New New
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Next Higher Peak Frequency Next Higher Peak Frequency NextHigherPeakFrequency
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Next Lower Peak Frequency Next Lower Peak Frequency NextLowerPeakFrequency
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Next Tool Next Tool NextTool
Menu Command (No Parameters)
No Action No Action NoAction
Special Command
Noise Amplitude=“0.8″ Type=“White“ Noise
Noise Reduction Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ NoiseReduction
Nonbandlimited single-sample impulses (Frequency: Control) Frequency_(Hz)=“1″ NonbandlimitedSingle-sampleImpulses(frequency:Control)
Normal Play-at-Speed Normal Play-at-Speed PlayAtSpeed
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Normalize ApplyGain=“1″ PeakLevel=“-1″ RemoveDcOffset=“1″ StereoIndependent=“1″ Normalize
Nyquist Prompt Command=““ Version=“4″ NyquistPrompt
Nyquist-Erweiterung-Installer plug-in=“/home/oem/Desktop/untitled“ Nyquist-erweiterung-installer
Open Project2 Filename=“test.aup“ OpenProject2
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Overdub (on/off) Overdub (on/off) Overdub
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Pan Center Pan Center PanCenter
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Pan Left Pan Left PanLeft
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Pan Left on Focused Track Pan Left on Focused Track TrackPanLeft
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Pan Right Pan Right PanRight
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Pan Right on Focused Track Pan Right on Focused Track TrackPanRight
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Paste Paste Paste
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Paste Text to New Label Paste Text to New Label PasteNewLabel
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Paulstretch Stretch_Factor=“10″ Time_Resolution=“0.25″ Paulstretch
Pause Pause Pause
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Phaser Depth=“100″ DryWet=“128″ Feedback=“0″ Freq=“0.4″ Gain=“-6″ Phase=“0″ Stages=“2″ Phaser
Pinned Play/Record Head (on/off) Pinned Play/Record Head (on/off) PinnedHead
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Pitch Scaler Pitch_co-efficient=“1″ PitchScaler
Plate reverb Damping=“0.25″ Dry_wet_mix=“0.25″ Reverb_time=“4.2550001″ PlateReverb
Play Play Play
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Play After Selection End Play After Selection End PlayAfterSelectionEnd
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Play After Selection Start Play After Selection Start PlayAfterSelectionStart
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Play Before Selection End Play Before Selection End PlayBeforeSelectionEnd
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Play Before Selection Start Play Before Selection Start PlayBeforeSelectionStart
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Play Before and After Selection End Play Before and After Selection End PlayBeforeAndAfterSelectionEnd
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Play Before and After Selection Start Play Before and After Selection Start PlayBeforeAndAfterSelectionStart
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Play Cut Preview Play Cut Preview PlayCutPreview
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Play Cut Preview-at-Speed Play Cut Preview-at-Speed PlayAtSpeedCutPreview
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Play One Second Play One Second PlayOneSec
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Play to Selection Play to Selection PlayToSelection
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Play-at-Speed Toolbar Play-at-Speed Toolbar ShowTranscriptionTB
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Play/Stop Play/Stop PlayStop
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Play/Stop and Set Cursor Play/Stop and Set Cursor PlayStopSelect
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Playback Meter Toolbar Playback Meter Toolbar ShowPlayMeterTB
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Pointer cast distortion Dry_wet_mix=“0″ Effect_cutoff_freq_(Hz)=“32.63765″ PointerCastDistortion
Previous Clip Boundary to Cursor Previous Clip Boundary to Cursor SelPrevClipBoundaryToCursor
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Previous Tool Previous Tool PrevTool
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Punch and Roll Record Punch and Roll Record PunchAndRoll
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Rate shifter Rate=“1″ RateShifter
Record (Record1stChoice) Record (Record1stChoice) Record1stChoice
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Record New Track (Record2ndChoice) Record New Track (Record2ndChoice) Record2ndChoice
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Recording Meter Toolbar Recording Meter Toolbar ShowRecordMeterTB
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Redo Redo Redo
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Remove Tracks Remove Tracks RemoveTracks
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Repair Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ Repair
Repeat Count=“2″ Repeat
Repeat Wahwah (RepeatLastEffect) Repeat Wahwah (RepeatLastEffect) RepeatLastEffect
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Rescan Audio Devices Rescan Audio Devices RescanDevices
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Reset Toolbars Reset Toolbars ResetToolbars
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Retrieve Selection Retrieve Selection SelRestore
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Retro Flanger Average_stall_(ms)=“2.5″ Flange_frequency_(Hz)=“1″ RetroFlanger
Reverb Delay=“10″ DryGain=“-1″ HfDamping=“50″ Reverberance=“50″ RoomSize=“75″ StereoWidth=“100″ ToneHigh=“100″ ToneLow=“100″ WetGain=“-1″ WetOnly=“0″ Reverb
Reverse Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ Reverse
Reverse Delay (5s max) Crossfade_samples=“1250″ Delay_Time_(s)=“0″ Dry_Level_(dB)=“0″ Feedback=“0″ Wet_Level_(dB)=“0″ ReverseDelay(5sMax)
Rhythmusspur bars=“16″ click-track-dur=“0″ click-type=“Metronome“ high=“84″ low=“80″ offset=“0″ swing=“0″ tempo=“120″ timesig=“4″ Rhythmusspur
Ringmod with LFO Frequency_(Hz)=“440″ Modulation_depth_(0_none,_1_AM,_2_RM)=“0″ Sawtooth_level=“0″ Sine_level=“1″ Square_level=“0″ Triangle_level=“0″ RingmodWithLfo
Ringmod with two inputs Modulation_depth_(0_none,_1_AM,_2_RM)=“0″ RingmodWithTwoInputs
Risset-Trommel bw=“400″ cf=“500″ decay=“2″ freq=“100″ gain=“0.8″ noise=“25″ Risset-trommel
SC1 Attack_time_(ms)=“101.5″ Knee_radius_(dB)=“3.25″ Makeup_gain_(dB)=“0″ Ratio_(1_n)=“1″ Release_time_(ms)=“401″ Threshold_level_(dB)=“0″ Sc1
SC2 Attack_time_(ms)=“101.5″ Knee_radius_(dB)=“3.25″ Makeup_gain_(dB)=“0″ Ratio_(1_n)=“1″ Release_time_(ms)=“401″ Threshold_level_(dB)=“0″ Sc2
SC3 Attack_time_(ms)=“101.5″ Chain_balance=“0″ Knee_radius_(dB)=“3.25″ Makeup_gain_(dB)=“0″ Ratio_(1_n)=“1″ Release_time_(ms)=“401″ Threshold_level_(dB)=“0″ Sc3
SC4 Attack_time_(ms)=“101.125″ Knee_radius_(dB)=“3.25″ Makeup_gain_(dB)=“0″ Ratio_(1_n)=“1″ Release_time_(ms)=“401″ RMS_peak=“0″ Threshold_level_(dB)=“0″ Sc4
SC4 mono Attack_time_(ms)=“101.125″ Knee_radius_(dB)=“3.25″ Makeup_gain_(dB)=“0″ Ratio_(1_n)=“1″ Release_time_(ms)=“401″ RMS_peak=“0″ Threshold_level_(dB)=“0″ Sc4Mono
SE4 Attack_time_(ms)=“101.125″ Attenuation_(dB)=“0″ Knee_radius_(dB)=“3.25″ Ratio_(1_n)=“1″ Release_time_(ms)=“401″ RMS_peak=“0″ Threshold_level_(dB)=“0″ Se4
SQ1 a1=“220″ a2=“330″ a3=“55″ attack=“1″ center=“440″ decay=“1″ detune=“1.01″ f1=“1″ f2=“2″ f3=“4″ sustain=“1″ wave=“1″ Sq1
Sample-Datenexport channel-layout=“SameLine“ fileformat=“None“ filename=“/home/oem/Documents/sample-data.txt“ header=“None“ messages=“Yes“ number=“100″ optext=““ units=“dB“ Sample-datenexport
Sample-Datenimport bad-data=“ThrowError“ filename=“/home/oem/Documents/sample-data.txt“ Sample-datenimport
Save Project Save Project Save
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Save Project2 AddToHistory=“0″ Compress=“0″ Filename=“name.aup“ SaveProject2
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Screenshot Background=“None“ CaptureWhat=“Window“ Path=““ ToTop=“1″ Screenshot
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Scrub Scrub Scrub
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Scrub Ruler (ToggleScrubRuler) Scrub Ruler (ToggleScrubRuler) ToggleScrubRuler
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Scrub Toolbar (ShowScrubbingTB) Scrub Toolbar (ShowScrubbingTB) ShowScrubbingTB
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Seek Seek Seek
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Select End=“0″ Mode=“Set“ Start=“0″ Select
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Select All Select All SelectAll
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Select Cursor to Stored Select Cursor to Stored SelCursorStoredCursor
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Select Cursor to Track End Select Cursor to Track End SelCursorToTrackEnd
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Select Frequencies Select Frequencies SelectFrequencies
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Select Next Clip Select Next Clip SelNextClip
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Select None Select None SelectNone
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Select Previous Clip Select Previous Clip SelPrevClip
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Select Sync-Locked Select Sync-Locked SelSyncLockTracks
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Select Time End=“0″ Start=“0″ SelectTime
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Select Track Start to Cursor Select Track Start to Cursor SelTrackStartToCursor
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Select Track Start to End Select Track Start to End SelTrackStartToEnd
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Select Tracks Mode=“Set“ Track=“7″ TrackCount=“1″ SelectTracks
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Select Zero Crossing Select Zero Crossing ZeroCross
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Selection Contract Left Selection Contract Left SelCntrLeft
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Selection Contract Right Selection Contract Right SelCntrRight
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Selection Extend Left Selection Extend Left SelExtLeft
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Selection Extend Right Selection Extend Right SelExtRight
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Selection Tool Selection Tool SelectTool
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Selection Toolbar Selection Toolbar ShowSelectionTB
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Selection to End Selection to End SelEnd
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Selection to Start Selection to Start SelStart
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Set (or Extend) Left Selection Set (or Extend) Left Selection SelSetExtLeft
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Set (or Extend) Right Selection Set (or Extend) Right Selection SelSetExtRight
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Set Clip At=“0″ SetClip
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Set Envelope Time=“0″ Value=“1″ SetEnvelope
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Set Label End=“0″ Label=“0″ Start=“0″ Text=“empty“ SetLabel
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Set Preference Name=““ Reload=“0″ Value=““ SetPreference
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Set Project Height=“900″ Width=“1000″ X=“10″ Y=“10″ SetProject
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Set Selection Left at Play Position Set Selection Left at Play Position SetLeftSelection
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Set Selection Right at Play Position Set Selection Right at Play Position SetRightSelection
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Set Track Set Track SetTrack
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Set Track Audio Set Track Audio SetTrackAudio
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Set Track Status Set Track Status SetTrackStatus
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Set Track Visuals Set Track Visuals SetTrackVisuals
Menu Command (With Parameters)
Short Seek Left During Playback Short Seek Left During Playback SeekLeftShort
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Short Seek Right During Playback Short Seek Right During Playback SeekRightShort
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Show Clipping (on/off) Show Clipping (on/off) ShowClipping
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Signal sifter Sift_size=“1″ SignalSifter
Silence Use_Preset=“<Current Settings>“ Silence
Silence Audio Use_Preset=“<Current Settings>“ Silence
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Simple amplifier Amps_gain_(dB)=“0″ SimpleAmplifier
Simple delay line, cubic spline interpolation Delay_Time_(s)=“1″ Max_Delay_(s)=“1″ SimpleDelayLine,CubicSplineInterpolation
Simple delay line, linear interpolation Delay_Time_(s)=“1″ Max_Delay_(s)=“1″ SimpleDelayLine,LinearInterpolation
Simple delay line, noninterpolating Delay_Time_(s)=“1″ Max_Delay_(s)=“1″ SimpleDelayLine,Noninterpolating
Sine + cosine oscillator Base_frequency_(Hz)=“20352″ Pitch_offset=“2.168″ Sine+CosineOscillator
Single band parametric Bandwidth_(octaves)=“1″ Frequency_(Hz)=“440″ Gain_(dB)=“0″ SingleBandParametric
Sinus wavewrapper Wrap_degree=“0″ SinusWavewrapper
Skip to Selection End Skip to Selection End SkipSelEnd
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Skip to Selection Start Skip to Selection Start SkipSelStart
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Sliding Stretch PitchHalfStepsEnd=“0″ PitchHalfStepsStart=“0″ PitchPercentChangeEnd=“0″ PitchPercentChangeStart=“0″ RatePercentChangeEnd=“50″ RatePercentChangeStart=“0″ SlidingStretch
Smooth Decimator Resample_rate=“44100″ Smoothing=“1″ SmoothDecimator
Snap-To Nearest Snap-To Nearest SnapToNearest
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Snap-To Off Snap-To Off SnapToOff
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Snap-To Prior Snap-To Prior SnapToPrior
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Software Playthrough (on/off) Software Playthrough (on/off) SWPlaythrough
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Solo/Unsolo Focused Track Solo/Unsolo Focused Track TrackSolo
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Sort by Name Sort by Name SortByName
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Sort by Time Sort by Time SortByTime
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Sound Activated Recording (on/off) Sound Activated Recording (on/off) SoundActivation
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Spectral Selection Toolbar Spectral Selection Toolbar ShowSpectralSelectionTB
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Spektralbearbeitung – Multiwerkzeug Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ Spektralbearbeitung-Multiwerkzeug
Spektralbearbeitung – Parametrischer EQ control-gain=“0″ Spektralbearbeitung-ParametrischerEq
Spektralbearbeitung – Platte control-gain=“0″ Spektralbearbeitung-Platte
Split Split Split
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Split Cut Split Cut SplitCut
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Split Delete Split Delete SplitDelete
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Split New Split New SplitNew
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Spuren überblenden curve=“0″ direction=“Automatic“ type=“ConstantGain“ SpurenÜberblenden
Start to Cursor/Selection Start Start to Cursor/Selection Start Align_StartToSelStart
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Start to Selection End Start to Selection End Align_StartToSelEnd
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Start to Zero (Align_StartToZero) Start to Zero (Align_StartToZero) Align_StartToZero
Menu Command (No Parameters)
State Variable Filter Filter_freq=“440″ Filter_Q=“0.25″ Filter_resonance=“0″ Filter_type_(0_none,_1_LP,_2_HP,_3_BP,_4_BR,_5_AP)=“0″ StateVariableFilter
Step Demuxer Crossfade_time_(in_ms)=“50″ StepDemuxer
Stereo To Mono Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ StereoToMono
Stereo Track (NewStereoTrack) Stereo Track (NewStereoTrack) NewStereoTrack
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Stille-Finder labelbeforedur=“0.3″ sil-dur=“1″ sil-lev=“26″ Stille-finder
Stop Stop Stop
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Store Cursor Position Store Cursor Position StoreCursorPosition
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Store Selection Store Selection SelSave
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Studio-Ausblendung Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ Studio-ausblendung
Surround matrix encoder Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ SurroundMatrixEncoder
Sync-Lock Tracks (on/off) Sync-Lock Tracks (on/off) SyncLock
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Tape Delay Simulation Dry_level_(dB)=“-90″ Tap_1_distance_(inches)=“0″ Tap_1_level_(dB)=“0″ Tap_2_distance_(inches)=“1″ Tap_2_level_(dB)=“-90″ Tap_3_distance_(inches)=“2″ Tap_3_level_(dB)=“-90″ Tap_4_distance_(inches)=“3″ Tap_4_level_(dB)=“-90″ Tape_speed_(inches_sec,_1_normal)=“1″ TapeDelaySimulation
Textmarken in regelmäßigen Intervallen adjust=“No“ firstnum=“1″ interval=“10″ labeltext=“Label“ mode=“Both“ region=“0″ totalnum=“10″ verbose=“Details“ zeros=“TwoBefore“ TextmarkenInRegelmäßigenIntervallen
Tiefpassfilter frequency=“1000″ rolloff=“dB6″ Tiefpassfilter
Time Shift Tool Time Shift Tool TimeShiftTool
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Time Track (NewTimeTrack) Time Track (NewTimeTrack) NewTimeTrack
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Toggle Focused Track Toggle Focused Track Toggle
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Toggle Spectral Selection Toggle Spectral Selection ToggleSpectralSelection
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Tone Amplitude=“0.5″ Frequency=“146″ Interpolation=“Linear“ Waveform=“Sine“ Tone
Tools Toolbar Tools Toolbar ShowToolsTB
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Transient mangler Attack_speed=“0″ Sustain_time=“0″ TransientMangler
Transport Toolbar Transport Toolbar ShowTransportTB
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Tremolo lfo=“4″ phase=“0″ wave=“Sine“ wet=“40″ Tremolo
Trim Audio Trim Audio Trim
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Triple band parametric with shelves Band_1_bandwidth_(octaves)=“1″ Band_1_frequency_(Hz)=“36.896709″ Band_1_gain_(dB)=“0″ Band_2_bandwidth_(octaves)=“1″ Band_2_frequency_(Hz)=“308.69998″ Band_2_gain_(dB)=“0″ Band_3_bandwidth_(octaves)=“1″ Band_3_frequency_(Hz)=“2582.7705″ Band_3_gain_(dB)=“0″ High-shelving_frequency_(Hz)=“21609″ High-shelving_gain_(dB)=“0″ High-shelving_slope=“0.5″ Low-shelving_frequency_(Hz)=“4.4099998″ Low-shelving_gain_(dB)=“0″ Low-shelving_slope=“0.5″ TripleBandParametricWithShelves
Truncate Silence Action=“Truncate Detected Silence“ Compress=“50″ Independent=“0″ Minimum=“0.5″ Threshold=“-20″ Truncate=“0.5″ TruncateSilence
Type to Create a Label (on/off) Type to Create a Label (on/off) TypeToCreateLabel
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Undo Undo Undo
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Unlock (UnlockPlayRegion) Unlock (UnlockPlayRegion) UnlockPlayRegion
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Unmute All Tracks Unmute All Tracks UnmuteAllTracks
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Valve rectifier Distortion=“0″ Sag_level=“0″ ValveRectifier
Valve saturation Distortion_character=“0″ Distortion_level=“0″ ValveSaturation
Verzögerung constrain=“Yes“ delay=“0.3″ delay-type=“Regular“ dgain=“-6″ number=“5″ pitch-type=“PitchTempo“ shift=“0″ Verzögerung
Vocoder Band_10_Level=“1″ Band_11_Level=“1″ Band_12_Level=“1″ Band_13_Level=“1″ Band_14_Level=“1″ Band_15_Level=“1″ Band_16_Level=“1″ Band_1_Level=“1″ Band_2_Level=“1″ Band_3_Level=“1″ Band_4_Level=“1″ Band_5_Level=“1″ Band_6_Level=“1″ Band_7_Level=“1″ Band_8_Level=“1″ Band_9_Level=“1″ Left_Right=“1″ Number_of_bands=“1″ Vocoder
VyNil (Vinyl Effect) Crackle=“0″ RPM=“33″ Surface_warping=“0″ Wear=“0″ Year=“1990″ Vynil(vinylEffect)
WahWah-Verschiebuung WahWah-Verschiebuung Macro_WahWah-Verschiebuung
Menu Command (No Parameters)
WahWah-Verschiebuung-test WahWah-Verschiebuung-test Macro_WahWah-Verschiebuung-test
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Wahwah Depth=“99″ Freq=“0.809″ Gain=“-3″ Offset=“0″ Phase=“197.6″ Resonance=“0.1″ Wahwah
Wave Terrain Oscillator Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ WaveTerrainOscillator
Wave shaper Waveshape=“0″ WaveShaper
Zoom In Zoom In ZoomIn
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Zoom Normal Zoom Normal ZoomNormal
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Zoom Out Zoom Out ZoomOut
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Zoom Toggle Zoom Toggle ZoomToggle
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Zoom Tool Zoom Tool ZoomTool
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Zoom to Selection Zoom to Selection ZoomSel
Menu Command (No Parameters)
Zupfen dur=“1″ fade=“Abrupt“ pitch=“60″ Zupfen
test (Macro_test) test (Macro_test) Macro_test
Menu Command (No Parameters)
z-1 Use_Preset=“<Factory Defaults>“ Z-1
Übersteuerungen beheben gain=“-9″ threshold=“95″ ÜbersteuerungenBeheben


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